Today was a big day for Mason and I. I finally got his haircut for the first time!!! To some people, cutting their baby's hair was no big deal, for me it was. This first year of Mason's life has just flown by. I thought that I wouldn't have to get his hair cut for a long time. Boy, was I wrong. He needed his hair trimmed when he was 6 months old but there was no way you were gonna get me to take him to get it cut. I really don't know what the big deal is to me. It could be the fact that now that it is done he looks like a little young man. My "baby" is now a toddler. It could be the fact that he has such beautiful curls like I did when I was little that I wanted to keep the one thing that he got from me. It is a given, this child looks exactly like my husband!!! Whatever the reason, I finally broke down and did it. It was a bittersweet moment for me. Mason was such a ham the entire time the lady was cutting his hair. He would frown at her, then smile, then frown again. He was a little afraid of the cape which I thought was hilarious but he survived. (and so did I) Like my mom told me today, it is time to move forward in Mason's life. SO TRUE!!! He is finally taking steps and practically walking across the living room. It is so amazing to watch them take those first steps. He was almost 13 months old before he did it, but he finally took the plunge. I have realized through all of this that I can not freeze time nor do I want to. Mason is doing so many things and I look forward to each day with him. He entertains himself so well and even finds himself hilarious!!! He is always laughing at himself which in return makes me laugh. Here are some pictures of Mason before and after. He was a smile bug today so I got some good shots!!
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