One thing I know about myself is that I procrastinate more than the average person. It drives Matt crazy!!!! So, while building this house my procrastination has gotten the best of me. I have learned that I can not wait until tomorrow to pick out the flooring, because if we wait to long then we will have our kitchen cabinets just sitting there. I may be able to put an outfit together with nothing in my closet, but a house is not the same!! My outfits are me and who I am, a house is very hard to do that in. The house we are in is very small and each room is a different color. Do I care, NO!! But, if we want to sell the house we are building, most people won't like that ;). So, I have tried to pick things out that other people might like vs ME! That is so hard to do!!! The decisions on this house are almost finished and I can not wait to be in a house that was built by my HUSBAND!! It means so much to me :).
More decisions have been made about daycare for Mason. Right now I have the ideal situation for Mason, but she is having another baby in May and will not be watching him anymore :(. Mason has loved going over there and loves hanging out with her little boy. So, today was the first day at Mason's new daycare. I dropped him off for a few hours and just hung around town and ran a TON of errands. I went and picked him up and he greeted me with the biggest smile!! She said he did awesome!!! I only work one day a week, which I know is not much and Mason should be able to adjust as well as his mommy, but it is hard leaving him in the care of someone who you barely know. I really enjoy being able to stay home with Mason but I also need some time out of the house!!! I need the interaction with other adults other than a one year old ;). Mason is so wonderful and such a good boy. I am really hoping that this lady works out for us as it is hard to find someone to watch your child just ONE day a week.
I will be able to rest easy once these decisions in my life are taken care of. Nobody ever said life was easy, but I sure wish it was ;).
Here is a picture of the outside of the house. Since the frigid temps and snow Matt has been unable to finish the siding, but the inside is coming along great!!!