Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Little Things

Mason appreciates anything that has to do with nature. He loves to put his rain boots on and splash around in puddles, he loves animals, and just recently has became very fond of birds and trees. He constantly tells me to look at the trees. :) At the entrance of our subdivision is a pond. At this pond there are 2 geese that are always there. I thought that they were ducks but I stood corrected by my husband and good friend, that they are NOT ducks but geese. So, Mason will have those two animals mixed up because he still calls them "duckies" I captured a few pictures of him chasing the geese because they did not like us hanging out on their territory. :)

Look at the "duckies" Mom!!!

Love to see him smile over something so small.

Mason thought he could catch them

He is pouting because he could not touch them.

This is his "all aboard" dinosaur train imitation. He is so goofy :)