Mason completely understands the word NO but ignores me every time I say it to him. I catch him in the act of so many mischievous things throughout the day. Every night, I lay in bed thinking of that little grin he gives me each time I catch him in the act. He has done so well with the move. We had a bad week where he kept waking up at 3 am just screaming. He wouldn't let me leave the room or anything, so I parked my body next to his crib for the rest of the week until he finally figured it out. It was heartbreaking hearing that scared cry but he slowly got over it and now I just have to let him cry it out himself. Even though his room has carpet, it was the most uncomfortable night's rest.
We are still trying to get settled. We are cleaning and doing finishing touches before our renters move in on the 1st. Matt and I have taken the month of March to be a family again. Building this house was such an experience. He was gone every night and every weekend. It was to the point that I don't even know if we said anything to each other but hello, goodbye, goodnight, and I love you. I must say I do not miss those days but all of his hard work has really paid off. Now with the month of April approaching we have something to do almost every weekend and I finally have my husband to do them with me :). I have taken a few pictures of the house but not many due to the fact that we still don't have everything unpacked or anything hung on the walls. There are also a few of a cute little boy ;).